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March 20, 2023

Ranking Member Lofgren Statement on Latest IPCC Climate Report

We are at a turning point, and the urgency for action cannot be overstated.

(San Jose, CA)—Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its AR6 Synthesis Report. The Synthesis Report is the culmination of the Sixth Assessment Report cycle, which is comprised of three Working Group reports and Special Reports, all released over the last several years. 

“Scientists have again come together to rally the globe to take urgent action on the climate crisis with the release of IPCC’s latest report,” said Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). “We must move forward with transformational investments for our clean energy future now to foster a healthy, equitable, and livable environment for generations to come. We are at a turning point, and the urgency for action cannot be overstated. Support for innovative and low-emission solutions like fusion energy is critical for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. The promise of these technologies gives us reason to have hope. That’s why I’m committed to ensuring we bolster support for clean energy solutions like fusion. President Biden’s budget request called for strong funding toward the climate and clean energy efforts we put forth in the CHIPS and Science Act. We in Congress now must fully fund these solutions—the health of our planet depends on it.”